Sunday, April 22, 2012

Neon'ed Natured

I've never been one to go all-out for neon because I thought it was obnoxious; 
however, I've been spotting neon around lately looking very stylish and sophisticated, as surprising as that sounds. 
Some examples from around the web. . . 

Fun Neon Outfit

Neon Accents in the Home

Gorgeous Neon Necklace

Head-to-toe neon still makes me cringe, but there's something so fun and bold about these highlighter hues that I'm attracted towards.


Pesto makes for such an easy meal -
Put some on pasta plain, pizza dough with goat cheese, toast with shrimp (or sausage) and you're set. It looks so fancy and delicious too.


Minimalist Film Posters

Minimalist Film Posters have been popping up everywhere recently.
How cool are they? These are some of my favorites of my favorite films and shows he's chosen:

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

True Blood


I think they're so great, I'd use them around my apartment like art.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Crawfish Boil

I first tried Crawfish today; they're like a mix between shrimp and lobster.
I wasn't extremely impressed, but didn't dislike them either.
We had more of a great time than anything else, just hanging out and listening to a great band from Atlanta, GA.

Summer Bows

Some sweet summer bows.
Feminine, Delicate, Pretty.

They remind me of when I was little and wore bows in my hair, but these are so much more grown-up and sophisticated.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

I'm so relieved it's Friday. Some weeks go much more slowly than others, and this was definitely one of the slower weeks. What are your plans this weekend? I'm going to a Louisiana Bayou band party tomorrow and my younger sister is coming into town to visit me so I'm excited. 
Have a great weekend!

Pictures from:

Things of Style

Here's a space for me to show things of style.
Books, Films, Fashion, Food, People.
Just somewhere for me to put together the beautiful and inspiring things I come across to share them with all.